Building Divi Modules in React and the Window object

Building Divi Modules in React and the Window object First of all, a note on our Blog activity. From now till half September we will publish just a post a week, it’s Summer after all : -) Hi everyone, today we will talk about the Window object and the rule it can play in our Divi Module development. Now,...

Divi React III – Lifecycle Hooks in React Workflow

Divi React III – Lifecycle Hooks in React Workflow Hi everyone, today we come back to Divi React series and we want to deepen our knowledge about the React Component Lifecycle. Every time we write a component, in fact, there are several hooks or methods that automatically will be executed in different times in respect...

PHPDoc and DocBlocks – How to comment your code

PHPDoc and DocBlocks – How to comment your code Hi everyone, today we want to start a two posts mini series about the Php code commenting practice writing and generating Php Documentation for your code. So, let’s get started! PHPDOC AND DOCBLOCKS First of all, let’s start with the basics. When you write...